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"Chandelier", 2019.  Photo: M. E Chapman


Early Polaroid advertisements marketed the novelty of instantaneity: "Just drop the film in your Polaroid ‘Picture-in-a-minute' Camera and you're ready to shoot the best pictures you've ever taken."

For most of us today, we understand that it's the complexity of different identities we embody whether that be political, religious, linguistic, national, local or social that makes us unique.

Minuella E Chapman's project Instantaneity is thus, undeniably, linked to the massive changes we experience in social rituals and imaging technology throughout our lifetime. The Australian artist and designer employs a combination of multidisciplinary techniques in her artwork to create poetically assembled photographic imagery and evocative multi-media installations.

Chapman notes that while images of the body are usually associated with different ideals of beauty, it's the portrait that is often associated with identity and individuality.

The portrait is perhaps the most complex aspect of the genre photography, because it brings the artist and the sitter into one, removing the barriers between the photographer and their subject, allowing the audience to create new narratives, and reveal the true identity of the subject.

In her One Artist A Week Artist Residency titled 'Instantaneity' : Photographic Portraiture Project, Minuella E Chapman will capture a series of instant Polaroid portraits offering an intimate portrayal of the faces of Athens. From analysing ways of presenting ourselves to exploring how others see us, the essential aim of ‘Instantaneity' is to deepen our understanding of identity.

Website:  Minuella E Chapman

OPENING:  Friday, 20 December, 6 - 8 p.m.
SHOW:  21 - 27 December 2019
OPENING HOURS: Sa. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.  /  Mon - Fri 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.

PLACE:  Π-Artworks, Lekka 30, 10562 Athens (Syntagma)    >>> Find it

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Documentation: Christoph Ziegler
